Scouts: to add to the Month of Service we're doing in the Troop, we've got a new conservation project offered to us by Potomac Overlook Regional Park (PORP). Please sign up to help the park remove invasive plants. This counts as conservation service hours for those who need them for rank advancement. 

Bring gloves and long sleeve pants and shirts, to reduce potential exposure to poison ivy, etc. Masks are required--neck gaiters and/or bandanas/shemaghs would provide additional protection from bugs and plants.

Snacks will be supplied but bring water.

Meet at the upper parking lot (by the pavilion) at 10AM on May 22. Please sign up with the form below if you can attend, and bring with you (DO NOT SEND TO ME) a parental release form (attached--not the BSA one, the NOVA Parks one) to confirm you can take part.

And don't forget about Will Gaudian's Eagle Project on May 15, as well as Daniel Gessel's Eagle Project on the 23rd--all three projects count as Troop service hours.

Click here to sign up

Click here to access the liability waiver

Click here to see who's signed up