Troop: on May 8, the Chain Bridge District is holding an event meant to combine the Klondike Derby, the Alonzo Stagg Hike, and the Projectoree (all three of which have been cancelled for 2021). Dubbed the Klondashpro, there will be hiking (Alonzo Stagg-like) to various stations (Klondike Derby-like), where you either do a Scout skill or a fun activity (Projectoree-like). More info is here at the registration page for the Klondashpro. There is a $25/Scout fee for attending, and we will have to provide senior Scout and adult help to take part.

First, however, I need to gauge interest in attending. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED then please sign up. Try to get your Patrol to do so if interested--it is a Patrol-style event and would be more fun doing it as a patrol. 

If we can get enough interest, we'll take part. If not we won't.

Express your interest by April 17th (one week).


--Mr V--

Express Interest Here (whether yes or no)

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